Our Society
At the Comox Valley Affordable Housing Society, we operate with the understanding that housing is a fundamental human need.
We believe that stable, secure, and safe housing, is a building block for every aspect of a healthy life. Having a warm place to lay your head and call your own is imperative to a persons physical and mental health. In this ever changing economy, non-profit housing and other housing related programs have truly become more necessary than ever. With cost of living only increasing, the demand for subsidized/affordable housing and related supports has skyrocketed - and it is our job to continue to provide more homes and resources for the people who need them.
We are proud members of the Comox Valley Coalition to End Homelessness, and we respectfully acknowledge that the land we gather on is on the Unceded Traditional Territory of the K’ómoks First Nation, the traditional keepers of this land.
Where We Started:
Our society began in 1990 (under the name Courtenay Low Income Housing) with the construction of Lions Valley View Estates - thanks only to the continued efforts of local Lion’s Club members.
In 2017, we took over another struggling society - D’Esterre Senior Citizen Society; leaving us with Quadra Gardens, & the D’Esterre Gardens cottages.
In the best interest of the two societies, and the clients we work with, in 2019, CLIH and D’Esterre became the Comox Valley Affordable Housing Society - the name which you have come to know today!
Since our amalgamation, we have received major grant funding to renovate both Lions Valley View Estates and Quadra Gardens, as well as funding to complete a brand-new build where the D’Esterre cottages used to sit (Cypress Gardens) - all of which, began in the 21/22 year!
Among all the crazy construction, we also opened a brand-new local Rent Bank - a program offering one-time interest free loans to promote housing stability in our community.
We look forward to seeing what will come next, and where our commitment to providing safe and comfortable affordable housing will take us in 2024!
The Team:
The CVAHS staff and Board of Directors is made up of individuals who truly believe in supportive housing and the impact it has on individuals and families. Every member of our team understands the importance of what it is we do, and are passionate about providing members of our community with affordable housing opportunities and related programs that may very well help them change their lives.
Getting Involved:
No matter what aspect of affordable housing interests you, we are happy to find some way you can volunteer and help out! Whether your skills lie in physical labour, technology, professional services, fundraising, and so on - we work with you to determine where your skills might fit and what it is you bring to the table, before setting you off for hands on work!
The biggest requirement for volunteering with us is a “lets get it done!” attitude. Our ideal person is a self starter, with a positive outlook and an interest in affordable housing and homelessness prevention!
As for paperwork, all volunteers must fill out a volunteer application, which will be reviewed by administration and the Board of Directors. From there, you will be asked to pass a vulnerable sector criminal record check, as well as sign our volunteer document package prior to beginning work.
Our Board of Directors is made up of volunteers from a Lion’s Club of the Comox Valley. If you are a Lion in good standing, who would like to look at joining our board - please reach out for more information.