Lions Valley View Estates

LVVE is located at 1547 Dingwall Rd. Courtenay, BC, V9N3S8. The family housing complex is 32 units made up of 2-bedroom (1 bath), 3-bedroom (2 bath), and one 4-bedroom (2 bath) homes. The property underwent a major interior renovation in 2022, completing the work started in the 2018 exterior renovation.

Information & FAQ’s

  • LVVE is an affordable housing development designated for families. (Families – Defined as a minimum of two people, including one dependent child. Who is considered a dependent child? An unmarried child, stepchild, adopted child or legal ward, mainly supported by the applicant, who is:

    • Under 19 years of age; or

    • Under 25 years of age and registered in full-time school, university or vocational institute which provides a recognized diploma, certificate, or degree; or

    • Of any age who, because of mental or physical infirmity, is accepted as a dependent for income tax purposes.)

    Rent Geared to Income (RGI) – BCH Housing Income Limits (HILS)

    The rent contribution is calculated based on 30% of gross yearly household income, or a flat rent rate if you are receiving financial assistance from the government (income assistance, PWD, EI, etc.). Housing Income Limits represent the income required to pay the average market rent for an appropriately sized unit in the private market. Average rents are derived from CMHC's annual Rental Market Survey, done in the fall, and released in the spring.

    Income must fall below Housing Income Limits (HILs) rates (here).

  • Pets not permitted at Lions Valley View Estates.